sweet potatoe and chickpeas close up sweet potatoe and chickpeas close up

Time for lunch

Sweet Potato & Crunchy Chickpea Salad

This delicious salad is packed with flavour and texture as well as a big dose of protein and fibre to keep your fuelled for longer!

You will need

Two baking trays

Jar with a lid

Large mixing bowl

Chopping board and a sharp knife


1/2 can of chickpeas

1/2 sweet potato chopped into small chunks

Spinach leaves

Kale leaves, sliced into strips

1 tsp turmeric

1/2 an avocado

A handful of cherry tomatoes, or one big tomato

Olive Oil

1/2 a lemon – grated zest and squeezed juice

1/2 tsp of honey or maple syrup

1 or 2 garlic cloves

Fresh parsley – optional but worth it

How to make it


Pre-heat oven to 180 C


Chop your sweet potato into bite size chunks, crush garlic cloves and place into a baking tray with a drizzle of olive oil.


Put into oven for 20 minutes.


In your large mixing bowl add your chick peas, a pinch of salt, pepper, little bit of olive oil and the turmeric.


Swirl around until the chickpeas are lightly coated.


Place onto a baking tray on the bottom shelf of the oven, they should be ready about the same time as your sweet potatoes.


While they are cooking, put your sliced kale into the mixing bowl with a little extra olive oil and massage! Yep, gently massage and squeeze your kale to make it soft and delicious!


In your jar put a glug of olive oil, the zest and juice of 1/2 a lemon and some black pepper. Lid on and shake it up!


In your serving bowl, add your spinach leaves and kale.


Chop your tomatoes and slice your avocado to add to the leaves.


It is up to you! We love to add the sweet potatoes and crunchy chickpeas warm into the salad but feel free to let them cool if you would prefer


Once everything is in your bowl, drizzle your lemon dressing on top and any seeds you may wish.
