woman doing nadi shodana breathwork woman doing nadi shodana breathwork

Your Calming Pranayama Practice

We often take for granted the simple act of breathing. This vital and instinctive action of breathing in and breathing out that sustains our life. In yoga, this prana, or vital life force, is an integral part of the practice and tapping into the full range of benefits that yoga can bring.

Nadi Shodhana

Alternative Nostril Breathing

A simple but powerful breath control practice that creates a feeling of calm through the body and mind. One of the many cleansing breaths it aids in finding calmness in clarity in the mind, great for easing feelings of stress and anxiety. This is also a great breath to start any physical yoga practise with as it begins the process of becoming more mindful and present.

How to practise Nadi Shodhana

A simple but powerful breath control practice that creates a feeling of calm through the body and mind.

Start in a comfortable seated position allowing for a soft, slow flow of breath.

Bring your right hand up, placing your index and middle finger onto your third eye space, just between the eyebrows.

Closing your eyes take a deep breath in then, using your right thumb close off your right nostril.

Breathe out through the left nostril and then, softly in again. At the top of that inhale close the left nostril off with the little finger, remove the right thumb and breath out through the right.

Inhale through the right nostril. At the top of that inhale close off the right nostril releasing the left to exhale.

Repeat breathing like this for at least 3 minutes, 5 if you are comfortable with it.