What to Pack on Your Hiking Yoga Holiday | Adventure Yogi What to Pack on Your Hiking Yoga Holiday | Adventure Yogi

What to Pack on Your Hiking Yoga Holiday | Adventure Yogi

So, you’ve booked your yoga and hiking holiday. Yay! Now, what to pack!?

These holidays are very special – plenty of exhilarating outdoors adventure in spectacular surroundings combined with 3 hours of yoga every day to help you slow down, ground yourself and recharge. We just know you’re going to love it. However, a lot of people bring their entire wardrobe with them as are unsure of what to pack!

 Here’s your hiking checklist:

1. Yoga Wear

Our retreats offer yoga classes at least twice a day so bring a few changes of yoga wear, with yoga tops and bottoms which are interchangeable. Think comfortable, easy to breathe fabrics which allow you to move and stretch. Some of our holidays include outdoors practice at sunrise or sunset so remember that you may want to layer up for these with a lightweight wrap cardigan or sweatshirt.


2. Hiking Wear

The weather can change in an instant when hiking and the higher up you climb the colder it can become so you need to be prepared. Bring a few thin thermal layers and a long sleeved thermal and then a t-shirt and light waterproof jacket and waterproof bottoms for the UK! It’s all about layering. So bring plenty to choose from depending on the weather that day.



3. Backpack, water bottle, sun cream, sunglasses, hat, gloves, snacks

You always need a backpack when hiking to put essential items in it, and also to use it to add your layers as you take them off or put them on! A must have then is food, water and suncream. Always have these items on you and you will enjoy your hiking all day.



4. Footwear

Our hikes can take you to lakes for wild swimming, up mountains and fells to breathe in incredible views and across stunningly rugged natural landscapes. So while no experience of hiking is necessary, a good pair of sturdy and waterproof walking shoes is a must for all this exploring, while trainers are perfect for some of the sightseeing day trips. Bring sandals or flip-flops for beach destinations, or to wear in your downtime. Just leave the heels at home – it’s all about comfort here!



5. What to Pack – Accessories

 I always recommend bringing a quick-dry non-slip towel-really practical for traveling and great for use during your practice, at the beach or after swimming. And be sure to pack a blanket or shawl to use during Savasana (a shawl is also great if you are traveling by plane, or as a cover-up once the sun’s gone down in the evenings)



6. Reading Matter

At the end of an active day, and with a mind calmed and decluttered after your yoga practice, there’s nothing better than curling up with a good book-either something inspiring which you can use to help further your practice during your holiday, or simply a good slice of escapism.



7. What to Pack – Journal

Pressing pause on the sometimes relentless pace of everyday life by spending time each day breathing deeply, listening to your body and quietening your mind can have a hugely positive effect on your overall mindset and how you think and feel about everything. You may discover new things about yourself. Keeping a journal to hand allows you to jot down any thoughts and emotions as you go, and process any new experiences which have inspired you.



8. Alarm Clock

While it’s difficult to leave technology at home completely, using an old-fashioned travel alarm clock rather than your smartphone to keep track of the time and wake for your sunrise yoga sessions will help you to truly switch off and get the most from your retreat.



9.What to Pack –  Good Vibes Only!

And last, but by no means least, bring lots of positive energy with you! We’ll create the space for you to relax, unwind and have fun with some great like-minded people. And if you come ready with an open mind and a sense of adventure, we know you’ll have a truly magical escape with us, filled with lots of new experiences and discoveries.



Ready to book your next escape with us? We LOVE hiking and do it in the LLake District, Wales, Montenegro, and the French Alps the out and plan your next adventure…