Top 5 Juices & Smoothies – Recipes with AdventureYogi | Adventure Yogi

We Love a Juice or Smoothie!


We have put together some of our favourite juice recipes for you to enjoy. Regardless of whether you use them as part of a detox or as a healthy addition to your everyday diet, they will leave you feeling refreshed! Remember, you can have too much of a good thing! Limit your juice intake to just one a day unless it is part of a specific nutritional program.


Number 1 – ‘The Mean Green juice’


– 2 generous handfuls of kale
– 2 generous handfuls of spinach
– 1/2 an avocado
– 4 green apples
– 1/2 cucumber
– 2 sticks of celery
– squeeze of a whole lemon
– some ginger for a kick

The Mean Green is a hearty and healthy meal in a glass. Furthermore, it’s not too sugary except for a few apples to take ‘veg edge’ off!  Spinach and kale are an excellent veggie source of iron and minerals making the base of this juice. The avocado ensures you stay full until late lunch and the cucumber and lemon are cleansing and ginger is stimulating for digestion.

healthy smoothie recipe

Number 2 – ‘The Morning Glory juice’


– 5 carrots
– 3 oranges
– Ginger
– Turmeric root
– Squeeze of a whole lemon

This bright beauty of a juice is really zingy, making an excellent wake up call for the morning. The ginger stimulates digestion and turmeric act as an anti-inflammatory, great for circulation and the immune system. Plus, you’re getting your Vitamin A with the carrots and Vitamin C with the oranges. So you’ll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed all day long.

orange carrot smoothie recipe

Number 3 – ‘Beetroot Booster juice’


– 3 large beetroots
– 4 red apples
– 4 sticks of celery
– Ginger is optional

Beetroot Booster is simple but packs a punch. To start, beetroot is very blood nourishing thanks to all of the iron so is excellent for fighting fatigue. But careful not to spill this bright red juice on your clothing though or you will look like your juice too!

beetroot smoothie recipe

Number 4 – ‘Tasty Choco Nuts Snoothie’


– Coconut milk
– Mineral water
– Handful of almonds
– Goji berries
– Sunflower seeds
– Pumpkin seeds
– Ground flaxseed
– Desiccated coconut
– Raw cacao powder
– 4 dried apricots
– 1 small banana

Honestly, Tasty Choco Nuts tastes too good to be true! It’s vegan, gluten and dairy-free so guilt-free yet very indulgent. A luxurious, rich, thick, smooth smoothie that tastes pretty much like a dessert. Its got all your Omega 3, 6 and 9’s thanks to the seeds, the matcha tea, raw cacao powder and goji berries gives you a super energy boost and the protein and calcium from the almonds and coconut milk keep your muscles strong. I would have this smoothie as a Friday morning brunch treat, after a workout. We love mixing up having a juice one day and smoothie the next.

Number 5 – ‘The Dreaded Pond Slime juice’


– 4 generous handfuls of romaine lettuce
– 3 handfuls of spinach
– 1 handful red cabbage
– Half of a fennel
– Fresh ginger
– 4 Tbsp of fresh Aloe Vera
– 15 drops of milk thistle
– Juice of half a lemon

The dreaded pond slime is for the seasoned juice pro. Its texture and taste are little to be desired however when you consider the health benefits, it’s worth lugging down! The perfect hangover and detox cure because the Milk thistle and lemon juice help cleanse the liver, the fennel helps with reducing water retention so is great for circulation and anti-cellulite and toxin removal, the spinach and lettuce replenish your vitamins and are hydrating, ginger for digestion and red cabbage and aloe vera are superb for cleaning the intestines. You’ll feel fantastic once you’ve gotten through this juice!!

spinach smoothie recipe

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