prawn curry recipe prawn curry recipe

Prawn Curry Recipe – Recipes from Sri Lanka | Adventure Yogi

Prawn Curry – A taste bud tantalising Sri Lankan dish


Prawn Curry is one of our favourite treats when we visit Sri Lanka. If you have plans to join us on one of our annual pilgrimages to our favourite island then this should tempt your taste buds! Let’s get you in the mood for some beach time with this delicious Sri Lankan inspired prawn curry with spices galore! Furthermore, all those spices support your immune system through these wintery months. This dish also features cardamon, a favourite spice at AY H.Q.


Sri Lankan prawn curry


– Raw king prawns  shelled and de-veined – enough for 2 people, so depending on size 4-6 per person
– 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil
– ½ medium chopped onion
– half teaspoon turmeric
– ¼  tsp cardamom seeds or ground cardamom if you cant find seeds
– ½ teaspoon fenugreek seeds (not ground fenugreek)
– 2 inches cinnamon sticks
– 5 fresh curry leaves (or the equivalent dried and crumbled)
– 1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
– 3 cloves garlic, grated or very finely chopped
– 2 oz crumbled creamed coconut
– 1 teaspoon chilli powder
– 5 fl oz water
– 1 pinch of salt
– ½ lemon (unwaxed, juice of)

prawn curry recipe

Prawn Curry Method

– To start your prawn curry, heat the pan on medium heat, once it is hot add the oil.
– Meanwhile, make sure the other ingredients are organised, as timing is everything and you definitely don’t want to burn anything and have to start again! So, once oil is hot, fry the onions until lightly browned and softened. Add the turmeric, fenugreek seeds, cardamom, cinnamon, curry leaves, ginger and garlic and fry for 1 min.
– Then, add the coconut, chilli powder, water and salt and bring slowly to the boil. Turn down the heat and simmer until the coconut is dissolved.
– Add the prawns and bring back to the boil then lightly simmer until the prawns are just cooked, you will be able to see this as the colour will change from a shiny grey to a lovely coral pink colour. Don’t overcook – prawns get chewy VERY easily.
– Finally, remove from heat and stir in the lemon juice.  Serve your prawn curry along with some delicious brown basmati rice sprinkled with coriander leaves and a raw tomato and coriander salsa.


Join us in Sri Lanka on our next Yoga Holiday!



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