Pranamat ECO Yoga Mat: Product Review | Adventure Yogi


Here at AdventureYogi, we are sometimes asked to review products. We only review the products that we as customers would also want to purchase! Moreover, we like to test things out properly so we can give you feedback through our own user experience. We have had our hands on the Pranamat ECO for 3 weeks now and honestly, we love it!

What is a Pranamat ECO?

A Pranamat is an acupressure mat inspired by ancient, proven principles and techniques of acupuncture to help give relief to various types of pain. Back pain, sciatica, headaches, lethargy, and more are all said to be relieved.  It has been created from the ancient concept of a bed of nails and has 221 elegant lotus flowers which have 25 different sized petals on each which activate an auto massage on the 360 acupuncture points in the body. The acupressure points help to open up the body, giving it a chance to heal itself.

What is Acupressure?

Acupressure is derived from acupuncture, an ancient healing art created 5000 years ago in China. There, the use of pressure from fingers, thumbs, and elbows are applied to the many meridian points of the body. Acupressure releases tension and increases circulation, reduces pain, and is ideal for self-care and preventative health care.

How Does a Pranamat ECO Benefit the Body?

Not only is it a good preventative measure to illness and helps energise body and mind, but it is also good for healing muscle pain or spasms, back pain, headaches, cellulite, improves sleep and mood, and low blood pressure. A study into the benefits of the mat showed that it stimulates the nervous system, dilates muscles to improve blood flow, and also increases the lymphatic system. These systems, therefore, improve nerve function, improve the immune system, help to release toxins more quickly from the body so benefits a detox, produce oxytocin which is a mood enhancer, helps joints by helping blood flow to the area in question and thus helps in pain management.

The AY trial

We have been trialling Pranamat ECO and have used it every day, either sat on the mat whilst working, lying on it to relax the back muscles, or standing on it for a few minutes if we are in a hurry! The packaging is really nice and when you open up the box the product itself looks fantastic quality, lovely cotton and the petals look interesting! Ours was beautiful turquoise petals and a grey cotton base.

On the first attempt, feeling a bit cautious, I tried lying down as the first experience. It felt a bit strange at first but at no point did it hurt. It felt deeply relaxing and I now can easily doze off as it feels quite relaxing. The mat doesn’t feel painful, just a bit spiky to start with. However, it feels quite soothing and relaxing after a few moments. The mat has helped me feel more relaxed overall and energised me during the day. I feel more alert after using it.

“A little pain for lots of Gain”



What is Pranamat ECO Made From?

Pranamat ECO is made of 100% natural materials, such as linen, organic non-dyed cotton, and coconut fiber. The petals are made from hypoallergenic plastic that is medically tested. The coconut fiber feels like the perfect support for the wonderfully spikey petals.  As you know, we love a product that stands up to high standards both in ethics and physical quality and the Pranamat ECO does both!



Check out their website for all the information and to get your hands on your very own!


 If you would like to find an escape to take your yoga mat away with you, join us on one of our retreats  Either in the UK or try our yoga holidays abroad too!

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