Delicious Brown Rice Veggie Bowl | Adventure Yogi Delicious Brown Rice Veggie Bowl | Adventure Yogi

Delicious Brown Rice Veggie Bowl | Adventure Yogi

Sometimes we just need a simple midweek meal that’s filling and nutritious…

This brown rice veggie bowl recipe is just what you need. The vegetables in the recipe are versatile as well, so feel free to get creative!

Brown Rice Bowl Recipe

Serves 4

Ingredients for your brown rice bowl

– One large or two medium onions
– A thumb sized stick of ginger
– 7 garlic cloves
– 1 tbsp turmeric
– 1 tbsp cumin seeds
– single tbsp mustard seeds
– A tbsp ground coriander
– 1 tbsp garam masala
– 5 cardamon pods
– 1 cinnamon stick
– A bunch of fresh coriander
– Couple of handfuls of raisins
– A couple of handfuls of  cashews
– 2 carrots, chopped
– 200g peas
– A pack of green beans
– 1 tin of tomatoes
– large lime
– 300g rice

Method for your brown rice bowl:

1. Start by soaking the rice, if you remember an hour or so before cooking great, if not just soak it while you make the paste.

2. Start by putting the fresh onion, ginger, garlic, coriander stalks, ground coriander, turmeric, mustard seeds and garam masala in a food processor and blitz to a thick paste. Add a little water if needed and set aside.

3. Boil water, add rice with the cardamon pods and cinnamon stick. Cook until almost done, drain but reserve a little water to finish cooking with the vegetables.

4. Heat a little coconut oil and fry the paste until fragrant, around 2 minutes, add the tomatoes to create a thick paste. Add a splash of water and then add the carrots and raisins and cook for 5 minutes then add green beans and cook until tender. Add peas for the last minute of cooking.

5. Mix in rice and reserved water, combine with the vegetables and place on a low heat to merge the flavours and finish cooking.

6. Toast the cashews in a dry frying pan, serve the rice scattered with cashews and fresh coriander and a wedge of lime. Beautiful as a main or side dish – a flavor-filled satisfying and healthy meal.


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