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AlpineYogi – Yoga and Hiking in The Alps | Adventure Yogi

Summer AlpineYogi adventures

More than just a holiday, an alpine yoga retreat can be an inspirational and transformative experience that you’ll never forget.


Embrace your inner AlpineYogi! Honestly is nothing more awe-inspiring than being surrounded by the Alpine Mountains. It is almost unreal to wake up in the morning and find yourself within stunning fairytale scenery as if you’re in a postcard. The lush fresh air you can actually drink in makes your whole being feel totally alive. And that is why I love running yoga retreats in the French Alps.


 Become and AlpineYogi!

Each retreat has been truly magical and definitely energising! Really, August is arguably the best time to go. Each time I have been blessed with beautiful sunbathing weather, with temperatures reaching around 32 degrees. The sun’s warmth kisses your skin yet you still have the refreshing cool air from the mountains, greenery lakes and rivers. Furthermore, the mountains certainly remind you they are alive, and that nature rules! The peaks cast the occasional majestic rainstorm that lights up the sky a hundred colours and fills the air with the roars of thunder and cracks of lightning.

An AlpineYogi trip involves ‘Active Relaxation’. Like anything in life, you get out what you put in and it actually requires the right kind of effort to relax properly. Early morning starts, healthy vegetarian food, and plenty of exercises. It may not sound like a relaxing holiday choice at first. But, these retreats to the mountains are a sanctuary away from everyday life, where you can properly unwind and recharge your batteries.



Alpineyogi Adventures

There are so many activities to choose from which will keep you inspired every day. Hiking, water rafting, paragliding, canyoning, mountain biking to name a few will awaken your adventurous side and boost your self-confidence! These retreats are a chance to gain new perspectives. Furthermore, a chance to meet new people from all walks of life, coming together in a shared interest of fun and taking on a challenge!

The mountains are the perfect setting for Yoga practice. Whatever your ‘yoga abilities’, there are plenty of benefits. For beginners, AlpineYogi retreat is the ideal introduction yoga that provides a fun personal challenge and learning experience. For those people familiar with yoga, retreats offer the chance to go deeper into their yoga practice. Intermediates can learn more about the principles and techniques of yoga to initiate or deepen their yoga practice.


So what are you waiting for? Join us!

The temporary relief of a conventional holiday, sitting by the pool just sipping cocktails may be a quick fix for stress. However, an AlpineYogi retreat will provide the long-term wellbeing benefits, that don’t fade away as quickly as your tan does!