7 Reasons to Visit Beautiful Santorini | Adventure Yogi 7 Reasons to Visit Beautiful Santorini | Adventure Yogi

7 Reasons to Visit Beautiful Santorini | Adventure Yogi

If you have never been but are thinking of going you should!  Here are 7 reasons to visit Santorini that will make you book your holiday immediately!

1. Santorini Volcanic black sands

Black sands contrast against the spectacularly crystal blue seas. The black sand is something you won’t find on other Greek islands, caused by the volcanic nature of the island giving it extraordinary beauty. On the Southeast coastline of Santorini are two successive beaches, Perissa Beach and Perivolos Beach. Together they form one lengthy beach that is particularly famous for the black volcanic sand phenomenon.

2. Sunsets at Oia

The village of Oia is the most popular spot for watching the sunset. Every evening people gather for the best view of Santorini sunsets by the castle. From here you can gaze across the most spectacular view and colours unfolding in front of you, the changing light against the white building reflecting against the sparkling Aegean Sea.

watching the sunset santorini



3. Skaros Rock

Skaros Rock Proudly juts out into the Aegean waters and was originally built to protect the coastline from pirates. Although left in ruins by a series of powerful earthquakes during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, the fortification is now a beautiful tourist site.  A must-see highlight of when you visit Santorini! Hiking to the rock is an incredible way to experience the island with clifftop walking and picturesque landscapes.

guests walking up hillside santorini sunset


4.Sailing in Santorini

Santorini’s unique landscape is best appreciated from the water. Why not charter a boat with your travel companions! Futhermore, you will get incredible views of the whitewashed towns perched high on the caldera. You never know, the sea may even entice you to stop for a dip!

yacht for the day santorini

5. Diving

There are lots of opportunities for diving when you visit Santorini. The volcanic geological background of Santorini offers great chances for diving. You can explore a multitude of underwater caves, reefs, wrecks, rich marine life and the, of course, the volcano. Below the cliffs, in certain areas, the sea bottom offers lava formations and making life hiding amongst the lava rocks.

diving sea santorini recommendations

6. Caldera

A caldera is a cauldron-like volcanic depression and the bay at Santorini is at the centre of the caldera. Huge cliffs stretch around and compose breathtaking scenery on the island with the local architecture forced to form around the caldera rim. After the continuous eruptions, the caldera was shaped and has fascinated travellers from all over the world. local architecture was forced to adjust to this unique formation with the buildings hanging from the cliffs, offering panoramic views. Created mainly by a huge eruption in the 17th century BC and latest eruption taking place in the 1950s, this is one of the largest calderas in the world. Personally, we certainly think one of the most spectacular.


7. Winery Tours in Santorini

Santoríni has been designated an AOC domain, and wine making is the only traditional trade that’s still thriving. There are many tours of vineyards available for only a few euros with plenty of sampling on offer. Santorini even has its own microbrewery, Santorini Brewing company with its unmissable donkey logo and range of ales



Why not choose to come on an adventure to Santorini with us? We offer breathtaking and unforgettable sunshine and yoga holiday in Greece. Obviously, there are more than these 7 things to do in Santorini, these are just the start! Of course, we also include yoga so that you feel totally rejuvenated and energised and enjoy the breathtaking beauty of this Island.

For more information on the magical island, click HERE!