15 Minute Mug Brownies! (Sugar + Dairy free) | Adventure Yogi 15 Minute Mug Brownies! (Sugar + Dairy free) | Adventure Yogi

15 Minute Mug Brownies! (Sugar + Dairy free) | Adventure Yogi

Hello Mug Brownies! Who knew that the perfect indulgence could take 15 minutes!

Come on, we all love mug brownies. They are the ultimate treat to hit that sweet tooth but, they can also feel like the ultimate sin! I suppose nothing that tastes THAT great can really be that healthy! However, we have created a recipe that is as nutritious as it is delicious! We have opted to use sprouted wheat flour as it is easier to digest and a happy option for gluten intolerances. Even better, it is also refined sugar and diary free!

Honestly, the real beauty of mug brownies is you only make one serving! Instantly, the temptation to devour the whole tray is taken away because you know, that temptation is real.

Mug Brownies Ingredients

Serves 1

– 3 tbsp Rude Health Sprouted Wheat Flour
– 2 tbsp Fairtrade Cacao Powder
– Pinch of cinnamon (or any other spice of your choice, chilli flakes would also work if you’re feeling spicy)
– 1 tsp Vanilla extract
– 3 tbsp Coconut Oil
– Honey 3 tbsp
– 3 tbsp Coconut Milk (or any other milk of your choice)
– Pistachios (or any other nuts) make a delicious but optional extra
– Pinch of Salt

Mug Brownie Equipment

– Oven/ microwave proof mug/ ramekin
– 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon to measure
– Fork to mix it all


To start, simply add the ingredients for your mug brownies into the ramekin. Then, keep mixing with the fork, so you don’t get any clumps. If you wish, sprinkle with pistachios or any other nuts to add a delicious, crunchy element.

Pop the ramekin dish in a preheated oven to 180C for 15 – 20 minutes, or until the tops look slightly dry and crispy. If using a microwave and you’re in a real hurry, put it on full power for 2 minutes. However, we recommend using the oven!

Once the mug brownies are done, the only challenge is to wait a few minutes before eating to let it cool down! 

Done! Enjoy!



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