Thank you!

Thank You for Signing Up to Our 7-Day Meditation Challenge!

We are so pleased that you have said yes to this adventure, I want to let you know what to expect.

First things first, sign up to our private 7-day Meditation Challenge Facebook group here

From Tuesday 21st January, each morning for 7 mornings you will receive an email at 3 am local time letting you know that your new meditation is available. Now, you don’t have to do it at 3 am! You have all day to create a little space for it. If you are an early riser or prefer to meditate in the evenings the option is there for you.

Each meditation is 12 minutes long, so, if you think you would like to meditate for longer, you can simply set a timer on your phone and make it for 15 minutes or longer if you like, and then continue even when the video has finished.

You’ll have access to the past lessons as we go along, and lifetime access after the 7 days.

One of the best parts of this challenge is the community that comes with it! We’ve created a private Facebook group, just for members of this challenge and you can count on it for support and encouragement. Amy – your meditation teacher will be jumping into the group to support you so jump into the group regularly. So sign up to the group here

That’s right, follow Amy’s instructions and click here to join the Facebook group

You’ve already completed your first step on this Meditation Challenge by saying yes to taking part. So sign up, sit back and enjoy your meditation journey!

We will see you on the other side!

Love Amy, Louise and the AY team x